What color chicken fights best? This is the way to choose a good fighting cock for many cockfighters. Although it is not as reliable as its endurance or fighting style, choosing a fighting cock based on its feather color also helps players make effective betting decisions. So let’s find the answer to this question with 789BET Link Mới
What color chicken fights best – Experience in choosing chickens from an experienced cocker
The color of the feathers of the fighting chickens will help players identify whether these are healthy chickens with a high chance of winning. And below are the chicken colors you should prioritize choosing according to the experience of veteran cockers at 789BET.
Cashew chicken
At the top of the list of what color chickens fight best is the O cashew chicken breed. These chickens often appear in professional fighting arenas today. The black cashew chicken has very healthy black feathers, attracting viewers and in fact it always winsisland opponents in matches.
Cashew chicken
When choosing a chicken with purple feathers, you can also combine it with other physical characteristics such as: green legs, frog eyes or white legs and ivory beak. This is said to be the chicken breed that is most loved by cockfighters today
What color chicken fights best – Choose dry gray chicken
Next is the dried gray chicken, it is always the choice of many chickens today. These chickens have gray feathers with big, strong bodies. Although gray chickens often have dry, tangled feathers that are not attractive, they are very durable.
Choose wet chicken to bet
If you don’t know what color chicken fights best, you can choose a wet black chicken. This is one of the most popular types of black-feathered chickens today. Their fur is very smooth and shiny. Besides, wet umbrella chickens are also said to be very aggressive and have good endurance. Therefore, they are very suitable for participating in competitions.
Five-colored chicken
Five-colored chickens are also a great choice if you don’t know what color chickens fight best. This breed of chicken has 5 colors in its plumage and is considered to be healthy and talented chickens. If well trained, they will be skilled hands.
In particular, the chickenssleep If the color is golden or purple, you should bet now. Because this is a precious chicken that any cocker wants to have.
Five-colored chicken
Choose fighting chickens according to physical characteristics
Besides choosing which color chicken fights best, you can also bet based on their physical characteristics.
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Choose fighting cocks based on eye color
When evaluating cocks, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the color of the feathers and eyes. Because this is where the fighting cock’s temperament is shown, whether they are aggressive or not is clearly shown through their eyes.
You should choose chickens with round, flexible pupils, small upper eyelids, and deep eyes. Fighting cocks possessing these characteristics will have the ability to compete extremely well.
Based on the wings to choose fighting chickens
Besides choosing which color chicken fights best, you can also bet based on the wings of the fighting chicken. Because the wings are the part that helps the rooster maintain balance, so choose birds with long wings that cover the entire hook. Besides, if you see that the chicken wing feathers are straight, thick and hard, don’t ignore this cock.
Based on the wings to choose fighting chickens
In addition, when choosing a chicken, you should also lift its wings to check the muscles. See if the fighting cock’s muscles are muscular, round and big. At the same time, looking at the wing feathers also helps players know their age.
Choose a chicken to fight or cross the breast and pin
The breast is a part that plays an important role in the defense of fighting chickens. Therefore, you should choose a fighting cock with a sharp, curved breast from the outside in. The longer the breast, the more durable the fighting cock will be.
As for the pin, that is the protruding bone on both sides of the chicken’s anus. When you place a finger between 2 pin bones and it doesn’t fit, this is a tight pin. You should choose fighting cocks with this characteristic because the closer the pins are to the legs, the closer the fighting cock will fight and will be easier to hit the opponent.
Combining what color chicken fights best with the above parts will help you choose the healthiest chicken with the best fighting ability. These are all experiences shared by veteran cockfighters.
Above is information on how to chooseWhat color cock fights best? You can refer to and apply for yourself during the betting process at 789BET. Hope you have an enjoyable time making money effectively at the bookmaker.