A recent collaboration between Soul App, a prominent social platform among China’s Gen Z, and Omnicom Media Group China (OMG China), a leading advertising company, sought to decipher the intricacies of Gen Z’s digital social life. Through a survey encompassing 3,593 responses, Soul and OMG China presented a detailed exploration of Gen Z’s motivations for socializing and the intricate web of connections they weave in the digital realm.
Contrary to the conventional belief that social interactions are primarily driven by personal gain, the survey results revealed the nuanced perspective held by Gen Zers. For instance, 53.6% of respondents viewed socializing as a means to establish new connections while a substantial 46.6% reported seeking it as a remedy for the pervasive sense of loneliness. This duality in motivations highlights the diverse ways in which Gen Z interprets and seeks value in their social interactions.
As a generation predominantly composed of only children born under China’s One-Child policy, Gen Z is gradually transitioning into what is colloquially known as “empty-nest youth.” The survey unveils a dichotomy in their motivations that include the need to forge new connections as well as the all-pervasive and natural desire to alleviate the solitude often associated with the fast-paced modern lifestyle.
Soul App’s survey also revealed that one of the distinctive features of Gen Z’s socializing patterns is their adeptness at navigating the information explosion fueled by social media. While new connections and establishing ties with like-minded individuals offer significant impetus for digital socialization, a significant number of Zoomers, at 43.6%, socialize online to acquire valuable information for learning and personal growth. This is one of the primary driving forces for young women who seek digital socialization.
This showcases Gen Z’s keen interest in extracting knowledge and resources from the expansive digital landscape. The influence of work and study on Gen Z’s social dynamics is evident in the frequent virality of topics related to these aspects on social media. This not only reflects their aspirations to broaden their horizons and enhance knowledge but also underscores their commitment to fostering self-awareness and personal development through online socialization.
Another intriguing aspect uncovered by the Soul App survey was Gen Z’s approach to social interactions. This cohort places significant emphasis on non-material value in friendships, signaling a departure from the conventional pursuit of self-serving advantages. The survey revealed that 44.7% of Soul users express a reluctance to extract practical benefits from friendships, instead seeking trusted and genuine connections. Furthermore, 30.7% stated that maintaining mutually beneficial connections increases social pressure, reinforcing the desire for authentic relationships.
These figures point to the fact that shared interests and aligned values have become paramount for Gen Z when forging connections. Over 60% of respondents said that they preferred mingling with individuals who share similar interests and hobbies, and considered these to be the catalyst for meaningful friendships.
The observations of the survey also defined what constitutes valuable relationships for Gen Z. Of the respondents, 70% stated that they prioritize connections based on common topics and interests because these bring mental satisfaction and happiness. In contrast, only 39.86% reported opting for relationships that offer practical help and benefits, marking it as the least preferred choice among Gen Z.
Furthermore, Gen Z’s distinctive view on the role of online networking in fulfilling social expectations was also a noteworthy aspect. A substantial 23.7% of users claimed that almost all their goals are achieved through online networking. This figure surpasses the expectations derived from offline social interactions, indicating a preference for the efficacy of online platforms.
As Gen Z enters the workforce, there is a heightened eagerness for genuine friendships.The belief that constant communication and interactions deepen friendship ties underscores their rational approach to networking. Notably, 35% of Gen Zers believe that social activities can recharge their batteries, with only 5.8% finding current social settings exhausting.
Despite facing a sense of social atomization in a fast-paced life, Gen Z retains a need for genuine relationships. Almost half of the respondents claimed to have friends with whom they can have in-depth or constant conversations. Those dissatisfied with their social life attributed it to superficial relationships and said that they are striving to build a more diversified network of friends.
The survey also highlighted Gen Z’s intense curiosity about new experiences, making them more receptive to changes in social interaction brought about by AI. Soul App capitalized on this dimension of Gen Z’s online behavior early on by introducing features such as a smart chatbot, AI Singer, AI Drawing, and AI Avatar Generation in the platform.These unique forms of interaction have contributed to users amassing social assets, including profiles and content co-created with AI. In turn, these have laid the foundation for the social metaverse—a new era to which Soul has opened the gates.
In a nutshell, the Soul App survey revealed that Gen Z is inclined towards genuine relationships and the pursuit of non-material values. Also, they are more accepting of the evolving role of AI in shaping their social experiences. This explains why Soul enjoys a significant standing among this cohort.